Monday, August 25, 2014

Grilled Garlic Lime Corn-On-The-Cob

Corn on the cob is a summer favorite of most All-American households. There are so many ways to cook corn on the cob from boiling it, microwaving it, baking it in the oven and cooking it in a campfire. My new favorite way to cook corn is on the grill. It is so easy and most meals that we eat corn with are cooked on the grill so its easy to prepare everything and not have to tend stuff cooking inside and outside. Try this corn recipe for something different with a little bit of a kick to it.

Grilled Garlic Lime Corn-On-The-Cob
Ears of Sweet Corn (however many desired) 

Black Pepper
Spray Butter
Garlic Powder
Lime Salt (can substitute sea salt)


1. Light gas fired barbeque grill and place on low. Temperature should be around 250-300 degrees 
2. Husk corn removing husk and silks. Rinse to remove any lingering silks. Dry corn with a paper towel.
2. Roll out a piece of aluminum foil or plastic wrap to prepare the corn on for an easy clean up. Place ears of corn on aluminum foil or plastic wrap.
3. Spray ears of corn with butter spray coating entire ear evenly. Sprinkle each ear evenly with black pepper, garlic powder and lime salt (or sea salt).
4. Place on preheated grill and cook for 20-25 minutes turning each ear 1/4 turn every 5 minutes. Remove from grill.
5. Serve and put spray butter on the table in case guests want a little more butter.

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